How to Trim a Brisket

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Trimming a brisket is essential to getting the perfect smoke on your beef brisket. This step-by-step guide will teach you all you need to know on how to trim a brisket so it can be beautifully prepared before going on the smoker.

Susie trimming brisket on a wooden cutting board with text overlay - How to Trim a Brisket.

Trimming a Brisket

Hopefully, you read Brisket 101: What is Brisket? and have learned a little bit about what a brisket is, what types of brisket are available to you, and the best resources to get your hands on one! Now that you know enough to get started and (let’s presume) you have a fabulous 12-14 lb packer brisket of your very own, it is time to talk about how to trim a brisket!

Trimming is an essential part of any brisket because it affects the entire cooking process.

Too much fat on top? You won’t get a good bark or enough smoke penetration in your meat. Pieces of the flat that are too thin or too thick? There will be uneven cooking and you’ll end up with dry spots and burned edges. Dangling pieces of meat or fat leftover from the butchering process? Crisp and charred chunks that you’re just going to have to throw out anyways. Have I made my point yet?

If you can’t tell, I think trimming is a crucial step in the brisket game, so do it well! How you trim your meat affects how it cooks and ultimately how well it is sliced and served. Don’t stress yourself out about it though! If you trim a little too much or not enough, guess what? Your brisket will turn out just fine. Just take notes and try again.

I didn’t trim the perfect brisket my first time and you probably won’t either. Brisket is a cut that requires a lot of practice and patience, but there is always the reward of amazing-tasting meat at the end.

Trimming fat off a brisket.

Tools Needed for Trimming Brisket

There are a few tools that I find extremely helpful when trimming a brisket. Granted, you don’t need to rush out and grab these exact items prior to trimming your brisket, but I can guarantee you’ll find the trimming process easier with some good tools.

  • Powder-free nitrile gloves. Whenever I know I’m going to be doing a lot of handling with raw meat, I like to wear these nitrile gloves. They help me grip the meat better and I can throw them away when I’m all done preparing my meat.
  • Fillet knife. I absolutely love this Shun Classic Boning and Fillet Knife. I’ve trimmed briskets before with my chef’s knife, and while it gets the job done, it takes me almost twice as long with a large knife. Using a fillet knife will help you get nice, 
    thin cuts with ease.
  • Wooden cutting board. Briskets are BIG, man. You’ll need a large surface to trim your brisket, and I recommend using a Large Wooden Cutting Board so you’re not having to adjust your brisket the whole time you’re trimming.


How to Prepare Brisket

So now that I have made you sufficiently nervous/excited/self-confident let’s get down to business! Your brisket will come wrapped in big plastic packaging. You’re going to need a huge cutting board (OK fine, I need a huge cutting board as my biggest cutting board could barely contain this bad boy).

Remove the plastic packaging and take a look at your brisket. You’ll see a large layer of fat (called the fat cap) across the top of your brisket. Flip it over and you’ll see mostly exposed meat with some silver skin and another large knob of fat.

The long, thin, rectangular side of the brisket is your flat. The knobby, muscly, angular end of the brisket is your point. Now that you’re oriented to the meat, it’s time to get to business. Go ahead and grab your favorite knife. It should be about 7-8 inches long and super sharp! It’s time to trim!

Squaring a brisket.

How to Trim a Brisket

Alright, folks. It’s time to dive in and get your brisket trimmed and ready for the long smoke. Follow along with these 5 easy steps to get your brisket prepped and ready to go.

Step 1: Trim the Underside of the Brisket

This is a completely optional step, but I find it helps to even out my brisket and prep it for a more even smoke (meaning good bark all the way around). If you’re not into trimming the underside, feel free to skip this step and head to step two.

If you’d like to trim the underside a bit, follow along! Place the brisket fat cap down and lightly trim the fat and excess silverskin of this side of the brisket.

Step 2: Remove the Fat

Look at the point. You’ll see a large, almost moon-shaped, piece of pure fat. Using your free hand, work your fingertips into the inside edge of that fat piece. Lift it up while you slide your knife in between the brisket and the fat. Work your knife back and forth (in a sawing motion) while simultaneously lifting the fat piece with your hand. You can see me gripping this piece of fat in the picture below. Remove this entire piece of fat.

Once you’ve removed the majority of this large piece of fat, use your knife to level it off with the rest of the brisket. You don’t need to cut this whole chunk of fat out of the brisket and leave a crater. Most of this will cook down and melt away, but you want uniformity across the bottom of the brisket for better cooking. 


Fat being trimmed off a brisket.

Step 3: Square the Brisket

Start by trimming a long thin section off of each side to square off your brisket. When it comes to trimming, don’t get crazy and start hacking stuff off. Be a minimalist first, you can always take more away but you can’t put meat back on. Once your sides are smooth and uniform, move to the ends. Your point will look really knobby and absolutely NOT uniform. This is OK. Trim off any excess or loose pieces of meat or fat that could burn during the cooking process.


Step 4: Trim the Skin and Remaining Fat

Now use your knife to remove any of that thick shiny looking skin and also any remaining large fatty pieces. Head to the flat and trim the corners so they are a little more rounded. This will prevent those corners from drying out, crisping up, and burning. You did it!! The under side of your brisket is well-trimmed and beautiful like the picture below!

Final trimming of a brisket on a wooden cutting board.

Step 5: Trim the Fat Cap

Pick that beauty up and flip her over so the fat cap is again on top. I like to kind of hunch over and get on eye level with my brisket for this next part. Using your super duper sharp knife, trim the fat cap down to approximately 1/4-1/2 inch thick.

This is not an exact science, but by looking at your brisket from the side, you can start to see where the fat is thicker and needs a little trimming and where it is thin enough to let it be. I also pay attention to my beautifully squared sides because sometimes flipping it can redistribute weight and now they are not so square anymore.

Most briskets will have a section of the point that tapers off and looks like a thin flap of meat with fat above and below. Some brisket cooks trim this flap off entirely to create a more uniform top of their brisket. Others leave it on and enjoy the thin crispier edges as a snack while slicing. This one is pitmaster’s choice. I removed mine in the picture below.


Step 6: Last Call for Trimming!

If you are cooking a Hot and Fast Brisket application, I recommend taking out more fat between the flat and the point. The reason for this is because when cooking a brisket hot and fast there isn’t as much time for the fat to render down. Work your knife in between the two pieces of meat and lift the flat away while following the fat. Once you’ve separated the flat and point a bit, trim away some of the extra fat between the two. Make sure to check out the video for visual help on how much fat to remove.

Lastly, give your brisket an extra once over with your eyes and feel it with your hands. It should look fairly uniform at the flat and well-trimmed without any weird pieces that could easily burn sticking out at the point. You got it?! Way to go! You have successfully trimmed a brisket and are ready for the next step: smoking!

Brisket Recipes from Hey Grill Hey

Now that you have your brisket trimmed to perfection, try your hand at some of my awesome brisket recipes:

Let’s make something delicious! I’m all about helping you make better BBQ, feed the people you love, and become a backyard BBQ hero. Share any questions you’ve got in the comment section or tag me in your brisket trimming success on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

This post was originally posted in May 2015. It has been updated with new images and more current information.



Susie is the BBQ Brain behind the Hey Grill Hey website. Her passion for smoked meats and developing fun, new recipes have landed her on the Food Network, cooking turkeys with Shaq, and on a couple of Guinness World Records. When she’s not grilling, she is hanging out with Todd and their three kids, preferably outdoors!

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Reader Reviews

61 Reviews

  1. Dale Beyer says:

    I bought my first brisket. After trimming the external fat, i noticed a 1.5 to 2.0 inch chunk of fat running through the middle of the point. More fat than meat. Is this normal, or did i get a extra fatty piece of meat.

    Thanks, Dale
    (I’m Mr. LadyBehindtheCurtain)

    1. Hey Grill Hey says:

      That’s normal, but it sounds like you might have a little extra fat.

  2. Rudy B. says:

    Thanks for sharing your information on briskets.
    Not sure if I missed it but do you cut the point off or leave it attached.

  3. Mike Banks says:

    Is there a use for the brisket trimmings? I don’t have meat grinder.

  4. Lisa Carter says:

    I only have waxed butcher paper, can I wrap my brisket in parchment paper?

    1. Hey Grill Hey says:

      If you don’t have unwaxed, use aluminum foil!

  5. Whitney Moore says:

    I tried to cut mine in half with the flat and the point I didnt have any luck finding the fat in between to cut it

  6. John King says:

    One trick that I’ve learned is that I now cut the brisket in half between the point and the flat. I started doing this because my square smoke chamber wouldn’t take the whole brisket. What I found was that because they were different thickness anyway, putting the flat on it’s own grate and probing that first, allowed me to remove the flat 45 mins. – an hour before the point reached the same temp! No more dry flat!

  7. nancy BAKER says:

    Just ordered a roll on Amazon and will get it tomorrow! I’m cooking the next day!

  8. Lindsey says:

    I trimmed too much fat from some briskets. I guess I zoned out and got a little hack-happy! Can I use the trimmed fat as a blanket over the top of the roasts, even though it will be discarded after smoking? I’m afraid the meat will be too dry now.

    1. Hey Grill Hey says:

      That could work if you just place the fat on top while smoking.

  9. Eric says:

    I have far too big a brisket for the small get together we’re having (16 lbs for 6 people) How would you suggest turning it into 2 briskets (1 to freeze for later time)?

  10. James says:

    I always leave the fat on for moisture purposes then trim after cooking also I have started cooking fat side down seems to help with the meaty part staying less chared just thoughts on my part of grilling brisket also decried using coals is better than a pellet grill not sure why maybe the small flame that goes with it thanks