Brine the turkey. Combine 2 cups of Apple Spice Turkey Brine with 1 gallon of apple juice (or water) and whisk until the salt is completely dissolved. Remove the gizzards and neck and then place the turkey in your brine bag. Set the bagged turkey in a baking dish with walled edges and carefully pour the turkey brine into the bag. Press out any excess air from the bag. Twist the bag closed and secure it with the twist ties. Transfer the turkey to a refrigerator and brine for 1 hour per pound of turkey.
1 15-pound turkey, 1 cup Hey Grill Hey Apple Spice Turkey Brine, 1 gallon apple juice
Preheat the smoker. Preheat your smoker to 275 degrees F with your favorite hardwood. I recommend pecan, maple, apple, or alder for smoking turkeys. On this turkey I tried almond wood for the first time and it was great.
Spatchcock the turkey. Remove your turkey from the brine, pat dry, then place on a cutting board. Spatchcock your turkey by removing any giblets, neck, or other internal parts from your bird. Flip it breast side down and remove the backbone by cutting up both sides with kitchen shears. Snip the inside of the breast bone and turn the turkey over. Press the center of the breast down until you hear a crack and the breast lays flat on your work surface. Tuck the wing tips behind the wings.
Season with oil and turkey rub. Flip your turkey breast side down on your work surface. Drizzle with 2 Tablespoons of the avocado oil. Spread the oil all over with your hands and then season with Turkey Rub. Turn the turkey back over and drizzle with the remaining avocado oil. Season the top evenly with Turkey Rub.
2-3 Tablespoons avocado oil, ¼ cup Hey Grill Hey Smoked Turkey Rub
Smoke the spatchcocked turkey. Carefully transfer your turkey directly to your smoker grates and make sure the wings are still tucked, the thighs are turned out and the turkey is laying flat. Close the lid and smoke for approximately 4 to 4.5 hours, or until an internal thermometer reads 155 degrees F in the thickest part of the breast.
Glaze the turkey. Drizzle the turkey liberally with the Cranberry Glaze. Close the lid and continue smoking until the breast reads 160 degrees F and the glaze is tacky. Usually 30 more minutes.
½ cup Hey Grill Hey Cranberry BBQ Glaze
Rest the turkey. Gently remove the turkey from the smoker to a large cutting board. Allow your turkey to rest for 10-15 minutes before carving.
Carve and serve. Remove the thighs and legs first. Separate the leg and leave whole. Remove the skin from the thighs and shred the thigh meat. Chop the skin into small pieces and then mix into the thigh meat. Carefully separate and remove the wings and cut at the joints into individual pieces. Run your knife along the central breast line and when you hit the ribs, turn your knife and slice against the ribs until the breast is completely removed. Slice the breast into slices as thick or thin as you like. Arrange the carved turkey onto your serving platter and garnish with herbs, as desired. Enjoy!